May 12, 2010

Adventures in dressmaking

This is a picture of a dress I made for Curly Bear's 2nd birthday.  It is made with a (too big) plain t-shirt, fabric sewn on for the skirt, and an applique made from felt and polka dot fabric.  This dress was the easier of the two, I think because I didn't have to deal with armholes.

After I made this, Goldilocks wanted me to try making a dress for her too.  I did not have t-shirt to use, but I had enough cupcake fabric to make her a dress.  I did not want to deal with zippers or buttonholes, so I did some research and came up with this.

I used this website, Prudent Baby, for the instructions.

I am in no way an expert sewer, but I'm not afraid to try.  Its just fabric!
This was my first time to sew an actual dress for either girl, and probably it won't be the last :)

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