November 3, 2010

Book signing with Bakerella

Around here, we like to make cupcake pops
 The other day, we went to meet Bakerella, a sweet lady who managed to come up with an idea for cupcake pops.  I originally saw her on Martha Stewart a few years ago, and have followed her baking blog ever since.  Now she has a book explaining how to make them.
 Goldilocks told her about how she likes to help me bake, and Angie told me I need to visit the CakeArt store, which sound dangerous for a baker like me!

trying out the scary pumpkin pop (picture by Tom, the nice photographer who shared a picture taking tip with my husband)

Curly Bear picked out a cat cake pop, she is currently obsessed with cats.  She rubs her head on me and meows, and pretends to lick her paw

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