Goldilocks went to the grandparents' farm for a cousin camp this summer, so we had Curly Bear all to ourselves for a few days. She was confused, but really enjoyed all the attention. We went to Chick-fil-a with our little calf one night.
Here is Goldilocks talking to our wonderful neighbor. He always has the prettiest flowers and plants!
Chocolate cake with peanut butter/chocolate filling. |
A rare visit to the living room |
The afternoon of July 17th, Papa Bear fell while working on the house and broke his ankle in 3 places. (not going to post the picture here, but we have pictures of his ankle and xrays too!) We are thankful nothing else broke on his body, but it has been a long painful road to recovery. He had to wait almost 2 weeks for surgery, had fracture blisters, 3 doctors, and a long surgery, 12 wks non weight bearing on crutches, weeks of rehab, and he was unable to drive his truck. We are VERY thankful for the help of neighbors and friends who helped us take care of the kids.